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Active verb

1.prepare; get ready

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Akwadoro m ije ahịa.

I got ready to go to the market.

M ga-akwado n'isi ụtụtụ.

I will prepare early in the morning.

Achọrọ m ịkwado akwụkwọ.

I want to prepare for school.

Kwadoo, gaa kpọọrọ m nne gị.

Prepare, and go call your mother for me.




Active verb

1.support; hold up; stop from falling

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Word Stems


Nne m kwadoro m n'ọrụ a.

My mother supported me in this work.




Active verb

1.sew together

Related Term
Word Stem


Anyị ga-akwakọdo ogodo nke ochie na nke ọhụrụ.

We shall sew the new material and the old one together.

Nkechi na-akwakọdo akwa abụọ ahụ ọnụ n'ime ụlọ.

Nkechi is sewing those two cloths together inside the house.

Ị ga-akwakọdo akwa ọcha na akwa ojii a ọnụ.

You will sew this white and black cloths together.

A chọrọ m ịkwakọdo akwa abụọ a ọnụ.

I want to sow these two cloths together.

Ọ naghị akwakọdo akwa nke ọma.

She does not sew clothes together very well.

Nwaanyị ahụ kwakọdoro ịchafụ abụọ ọnụ.

The woman sewed two scarves together.

Kwakọdoo ha ọnụ oo!

Sew them together oh!




Active verb

1.plan; intention; prepare

Related Term
Word Stem

No word stems


Anyị na-ezube ịga ahịa.

We intend to go to the market.

Izube Ekwensu niile agagḥị ere chaa chaa.

All of devils plan shall not come to pass.

Ha zubere igbu ewu ahụ.

They planned to kill the goat.

Akwụkwọ Nsọ kpọrọ izube ihe ọjọọ asị.

The Bible condemns evil intentions.

Ndị otu anyị na-ezube ịga hụ Mz. Okafọ.

Our group intend to visit Mr. Okafọ

Anyị ga-ezube ije ahịa echi.

We will plan to go to the market tomorrow.




Active verb

1.sew together

Related Term
Word Stem


I kwesịrị ịdụkọ akwa abụọ a ọnụ.

You are supposed to sew these two clothes together.

Ọ ga-aka mma ịdụkọ ha ọnụ.

It will be better to sew them together.

Ị dụkọrọ ha abụọ ọnụ?

Did you sew both of them together.

Dụ̣kọ̣ọ̣ akwa ọcha na nke ojii.

Sew the white and black clothes together.

Olee oge ị ga-adụkọ ha abụọ.

When are you going to sew both of them.

Gịnị mere i ji dụkọọ ha ọnụ?

Why did you sew them together?

Onye ga-adụkọ ha ọnụ?

Who will sew them together?

Achọghi m ịdụkọ ha ọnụ.

I do not want to sew them together.

Ịdụkọ ha ga-adị mma.

Sewing them together will be fine.

Onye dụkọrọ akwa abụọ a?

Who sew these two clothes together?

Ọ na-adụkọ ha ugbu a.

He is sewing them together now.

Ọ ga-adụkọ ha niile.

She will sew all together.

Dụkọọ ha.

Sew them together.




Active verb

1.get prepared; get ready

Related Terms
Word Stems

No word stems


Jikere izute ya.

Get ready to meet her.

Ọ chọ ijikere laa be ya.

He wants to get ready to go home.

Ọ na-ejikere eme ihe ọbụla asị ya mee.

He gets ready to do whatever he is asked to do.

Kedu mgbe ị ga-ejikere?

When will you get prepared?

Jikere izute ya.

Get ready to meet her.

O jikerela ịpụ.

He is prepared to leave.

A chọrọ m ijikere maka emume ahụ.

I want to o prepare for that event?

Anyị na-ejikere ịbịa ụlọ gị.

We are getting ready to come to your house.

Ị ga-ejikere ga hụ ya.

You will get prepared and go and see him.

Ị ga-ejikere ga hụ ya.

You will get prepared to go and see him.

Jikere ka anyị pụọ.

Get prepared let us leave.

Ogechi na-ejikere ịpụ.

Ogechi is getting prepared to leave.

Ọ na-ejikere eme ihe ọbụla ọ chọ ime.

He gets ready to do whatever he wants to do.

Anyị na-ejikere ịbịa ụlọ gị.

We are getting ready to come to your house.

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